Help with just one click: the new help and contact area.

Do you need help with travelcards, logging in, the SwissPass or another one of our services? You can find answers to the most frequently asked questions in our new, central help and contact area.

Thanks to the large amount of feedback we receive from passengers, we know what questions you ask most often, what you are usually looking for and where you would like instructions. By collating the answers to these questions, we have created the help and contact area. You can find it at the bottom of all of our web pages.

The advantages of the help and contact area:

  • You can find information, step-by-step instructions and the most common questions and answers about our services in one central location.
  • You can answer many questions yourself directly and without having to wait – regardless of time and place.

Of course, you can still reach us via telephone, contact form or chat. You will find the available contact channels under each topic.

Help improve content.

Our goal is to continuously improve and expand the help and contact area. So we look forward to receiving your feedback.

Here’s how to give feedback:

At the bottom of each FAQ page, you can let us know whether the information was useful or not.

There is a short survey linked to the home page of the help and contact area. We would be delighted if you took part.

Go to the survey Link opens in new window.