Participation in public tender (SIMAP).

Would you like to receive access to the tender documents from the SIMAP publication? Please complete the following form.

Form steps

For which tender would you like to receive access?

Please enter the title of the tender.

Still {{maxAllowedLength}} characters remaining.

Are you making this request as a company or as a private individual?


Please specify the contact person who should have access to the tender documents via SAP Ariba.


Please note that the details of the tenderer's headquarters respectively the future contractual partner are used.


Please specify the contact person who should have access to the tender documents via SAP Ariba.


Please note that the details of the tenderer's headquarters respectively the future contractual partner are used.


Please specify the contact person who should have access to the tender documents via SAP Ariba.

Further content

If you have any questions about the form or if you experience technical problems, please contact us by e-mail.