Board of Directors.

The composition of the Board of Directors is shown below, together with the directors' functions within SBB, their nationality and the year they were first elected to the Board.

This section also contains details about their career and education, year of birth, other activities and interests, such as directorships at major companies, organisations and foundations, permanent roles in significant interest groups and official offices and political mandates.

Monika Ribar (1959, CH)

Chairwoman of the Board of Directors (since 2016)

  • Member (since 2014).
  • Lic. oec., HSG.
  • Member of the Audit Committee,  of the Personnel and Organisation, Committee, of the Risk and Compliance Committee and the Committee of political Dialogue.

Significant mandates:

  • SBI Swiss Board Institute, Geneva, Member of the steering committee.
  • Sika AG, Baar, member.

Pierre-Alain Urech (1955, CH)

Vice Chairman (since 2019)

  • Member (since 2015).
  • Degree in civil and transport engineering from ETH Zurich, postgraduate studies at EPFL.
  • Chairman of the Risk and Compliance Committee and the Personnel and Organisation Committee and member of the Committee of political Dialogue.

Significant mandates:

  • Banque Cantonale Vaudoise, BCV, Lausanne, Member of the Board of Directors and Chair of the Board's RPN (Remuneration, Promotion and Appointments) Committee.
  • Compagnie du chemin de fer Lausanne-Echallens-Bercher SA (LEB), member.

Thomas C. Ahlburg (1969, CH/D)

Member (since 2023)

  • Dipl. Ing. ETH Zurich
  • Dr. rer. pol. Georg August University of Göttingen
  • Member of the Audit Committee

Significant mandates:

  • AWEMA AG, Oberneunforn, CEO and member of the Board of Directors 
  • Blumer Maschinenbau AG, Oberneunforn, Chair of the Board of Directors
  • TRIKNO AG, Felben-Wellhausen, Chair of the Board of Directors

Véronique Gigon (1963, CH)

Member (since 2019)

  • Lic. iur., lawyer, Master of Business Administration (MBA).
  • Member of Political Dialogue.

Significant mandates:

Doubs Regional Nature Park, Saignelégier, Chairwoman.

Edith Graf-Litscher (1964, CH)

Member (since 2023)

  • Trade Union Secretary for the Swiss Transport Workers’ Union (SEV) 
  • Member of the Committee of Political Dialogue and the Committee of Personnel and Organisation

Significant mandates.

Board of Directors asut, Swiss Association of Telecommunications Users 

Andreas R. Herzog (1957, CH)

Member (since 2021)

  • Business Economist.
  • Chairman of the Audit Committee and member of the Risk and Compliance Committee.

Significant mandates:

  • HOCHDORF Holding AG, Hochdorf, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors and Chair of the Audit Committee.
  • Meyer Burger Technology AG, Thun, Member of the Board of Directors and Chair of the Audit Committee.
  • The Swiss-Chinese Chamber of Commerce, Zurich, Member of the Advisory Board.

Georg Kasperkovitz (1966, A)

Member (since 2016)

  • Dr. techn., Master of Business Administration (MBA).
  • Member of the Risk and Compliance Committee.

Significant mandates:


Clara Millard Dereudre (1972, F)

Member (since 2024)

  • Director of Smart City at Service Industriels de Genève (SIG) and member of the Directorate-General.
  • MSc Business Management EDHEC, France.
  • MBA Northwood University, MI, USA.
  • Member of the Personnel and Organisation Committee.

Significant mandates:

  • FONGIT (Fondation pour l'innovation technologique), Member of the Board of Trustees.
  • Smart Data Energie SA, Vice President.
  • Compagnie Luminotechnique SA, member of the Board of Directors.
  • HEG (Haute Ecole de Gestion Genève), President of the Academic Advisory Board, Member of the HES-SO Strategic Orientation Council, Geneva.

Fabio Pedrina (1954, CH)

Member, Representative of the personnel (since 2017)

  • Lic. oec. publ. from the University of Zurich and postgraduate spatial planning qualification from ETH Zurich/member of Swiss spatial planning association FSU and Swiss professional register REG-A, ex National Council. Co-owner of Studio SA, Bellinzona.
  • Chair of the Committee of Political Dialogue and member of the Audit Committee.

Significant mandates:


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