Product ranges.

You can find the most important information about the available product ranges here. 

Basic range.

The basic range includes the most frequently sold national public transport products via our SBB WebService interface and AgentClient, allowing you to meet customer needs:

  • standard fares and supersaver tickets 
  • Day Passes and Saver Day Passes
  • regional tickets (without travelcards) 
  • Swiss Travel Passes.
  • Mountain excursions
  • Regional passes. 

No sale of travelcards. 

Special range.

The special range includes additional products that are available under separate conditions.

Free travel ticket.

The free travel ticket gives you the option of offering your guests a free return journey by public transport in 1st or 2nd class. You decide yourself on the prerequisites for use of the free travel ticket by guests.

You can win over new guests, encourage your guests to stay longer, create an attractive package with other additional benefits, etc. By offering the free travel ticket, you are leading the way for a green future and promoting climate-friendly travel.

You finance the discounted public transport ticket (60% of the standard fare; no discount within regional/fare networks) in full. The customer finances their luggage transport themselves.

You actively market the free travel ticket and luggage transport via your existing communications and booking channels. You offer the free travel ticket for at least 3 months.


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