Registration for SBB Swiss Mobility API.

Interested in connecting to SBB Swiss Mobility API? Please complete this registration form.

Form steps

Sales partner data.

Technical connection.

Technical contact.

Registration type.


Receipt of invoice for full version.

The invoice recipient commits to ensuring that the technical requirements for the electronic delivery and reception of e-mails are met at all times. You will receive a monthly invoice by e-mail. To guarantee the reception of e-mails, a group inbox must be provided. It is not possible to provide a second e-mail address.
Invoice Address.

Receipt of invoice for Affiliates.

Please supply your bank account details to process any credit.
Billing address.

Expected usage estimation.


The number of requests permitted on SBB Swiss Mobility API may be restricted by SBB. We will set an appropriate limit for you based on this estimate.

Usage rate for bookings (only full version).

Please make a realistic estimate and enter the expected number of requests per service per day. Affiliates: For services that are not used, enter the number 0.

Further content


Digital Business

Trüsselstrasse 2

3000 Berne 65