
Around 230 dedicated volunteers at 16 different locations act as station guardians, ensuring that the public feel safe at railway stations thanks to their presence.

SBB’s RailFair prevention programme was introduced in 2003 and derives from the realisation that presence, awareness, and conflict mediation can prevent uncivilised behaviour and violence. The basic idea is “don’t look away”. 

Stations are places for meeting others. They are among the most frequented areas used by the public. The aim of the RailFair programme is to increase the quality of people’s time at the station, reduce the risk of crime, and thereby increase the subjective sense of security felt by customers.

The programme takes place in partnership with the cities and municipalities where it is run. RailFair is also a member of ‘benevol Schweiz’, the umbrella organisation for volunteer work in Switzerland, and adheres to the general framework defined in the benevol standards.

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