Trainee Programme: show us your ambition.

Our Trainee Programme is aimed at ambitious university graduates qualified for specialist, project-based or management roles. You work on relevant projects across four training placements.

Uncover your talent.

You choose your four training placements based on your preferences. This is your opportunity to learn about and build up experience in the areas you want to work in. Your development is important to us, which is why we provide you with targeted training.

The trainee programme supported my personal development, enabled me to expand my network of contacts and opened the door for me to join SBB.

Sophia Theler

Trainee programme graduate and strategy developer at SBB Real Estate, loves nature and chocolate.

Programme breakdown.

  • 1. Training placement.

    For the first 6 months, you will be offered a position tailored to your interests, whether part-time or full-time.

  • 2. Training placement.

    Depending on your level of employment, 4 to 6 months in another division and an entirely different unit of your choice.

  • 3. Training placement.

    Depending on your level of employment, 4 to 6 months in another department of your choice or the option of being assigned to a subsidiary or partner company in Switzerland or abroad (Europe).

  • 4. Training placement.

    Depending on your level of employment, a final 4 to 6 months in another unit of your choice or the option of a self-organised and self-guided trainee project.

As a trainee, you will have around 20% of your working time available for the supporting programme in addition to your work within the teams. This includes industry-specific events and insights into the railway industry – such as exclusive tours and presentations – as well as soft skills training and support from a personal coach who will cater to your individual needs and development goals.

Application process.

Here you can find all the key information on the entire application process.