Safe behaviour in the railway environment.

You too can play a part in making sure rail travel remains safe and on time. By following some basic rules when travelling: wait behind the white safety line, never cross the tracks and stay away from power lines.

SBB’s brochure ‘Mit Sicherheit besser ankommen’ (Safe Arrival) explains the basic rules on how to behave properly on public transport. The videos of the ‘Happy End’ prevention campaign launched by the Federal Office of Transport, the Swiss Council for Accident Prevention and SBB also look at high-risk behaviour and highlight the consequences it can have. They then show the behaviour required to avoid accidents and ensure journeys end well.

You can order the ‘Mit Sicherheit besser ankommen’ brochure here (in German)

Here you will find the videos of the ‘Happy End’ prevention campaign by SBB, FOT and the Swiss Council for Accident Prevention.