Close your bags and open your eyes. So that the journey remains a wonderful memory.

Opportunity invites theft. That’s why it is important to pay attention to your belongings and make theft difficult for thieves. Our practical tips can help you with this.

If the worst comes to the worst.

If something does happen: You can reach us at any time on 0800 117 117.

Useful advice on protecting against pickpockets.

  • Don’t let your valuables out of your sight, even if someone politely asks you something.
  • Carry your wallet/purse and mobile phone on your person in a closable inner pocket.
  • Pay extra attention to your luggage and valuables when in crowded places.
  • Be particularly mindful of your luggage and valuables when people are getting on and off the train.
  • Close handbags and shoulder bags and carry them in front of your body.