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Francesco Orsi

Product Owner and Data scientist, science and culture enthusiast who enjoys going to the opera.

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BI Data Scientist: inspire change.

As a BI data scientist, you act as the interface between business and IT. Your work helps to optimise structures and develop new products.

My daily challenge is to recognise the potential of data and draw the right conclusions from it.

Daniele Mele

Data scientist (80%), talented chess player and amateur guitarist with a thing for numbers.

Reducing complexity.

Your work day is shaped by important and overarching questions which have to be investigated. With the help of their high level of expertise, our BI data scientists search for and collect suitable data. You know how to analyse, evaluate, and compare complex data. You gain insights relevant to management and visualise and present these in an innovative way which befits your audience. 

Showing the way.

Your affinity with data helps you to quickly recognise the needs of the specialist units and means you are enthusiastic about statistical pecularities and research projects alike. You work very closely with IT in your role. Our BI data scientists use joined-up thinking to see the big picture and the solutions they develop lay the foundation for related business decisions. 

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