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Dina Hediger

Strategic purchaser (70%), active and sociable mum of twins who’s keen on pop-up restaurants. 

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Strategic purchaser: you see what’ll count tomorrow.

Open, innovative, pragmatic. That’s how you approach procurement. You create new things by enabling sustainable mobility solutions. You decide today what will be important years down the line.

Passionate about optimisation.

As a strategic purchaser, you evaluate the products or services which fall within your remit. You carry out targeted analysis to find out where there is need for optimisation. You evaluate suppliers and test new products, services or innovations on the market. And you’re always open to change.

In touch with the mood of the times.

You think analytically to scan the market for past developments and future risks. Your precise SWOT and trend analyses guide you on your way. Getting the right service at the right place for an appropriate price: that is what our strategic purchasers are aiming for. So staying right up to date with trends is very important for you.

Public tendering.

With your up-to-date market knowledge, you translate the needs of SBB staff into realistic and feasible product solutions. Together with colleagues, you create a functional specification in which you define criteria for future purchases. Our strategic purchasers evaluate the offers received in the tender process against suitability criteria. With a clear view of your goal, you take pragmatic, well thought-out decisions which pay off in the long term. 

Do something great.

Further information.